15 février 2020 | Local, Technologies propres, Méga données et intelligence artificielle, Fabrication avancée 4.0, Systèmes autonomes (Drones / E-VTOL), Conception et essais virtuels, Fabrication additive

SOSCIP Call for Proposals

Hello Members of the SOSCIP Community,

Since 2012, SOSCIP has been Canada's leading R&D consortium dedicated to harnessing advanced computing to drive industry innovation. Our mission is to bring together industrial partners and academic researchers and provide them with advanced computing technologies and expertise to solve social, technical and business challenges.

Thanks to your sustained support, SOSCIP has built an advanced ecosystem that is integrating state-of-the-art technologies alongside highly qualified personnel (HQP) trained to leverage those technologies and drive Ontario companies to the forefront.

We are very excited to announce that SOSCIP is launching two new HPC platforms to meet the rising demand for GPU-Acceleration and Parallel-CPU access among the SOSCIP community.

Highlights of the two systems are below and you can read the full description of the platforms on our webpage:

GPU-Accelerated Platform
The new SOSCIP GPU-Accelerated Platform is a high-performance GPU cluster powered by NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs and IBM Power9 CPUs. Mist is a collaboration between SOSCIP and SciNet, which consists of a total of 54 IBM AC922 servers each with 2×16 core Power9 GPU and 256GB RAM. Each compute node has 4 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs with 32GB of RAM and CUDA capability 7.0 (Volta).

This platform supports AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning frameworks and has the capability of accelerating Molecular Dynamics codes (NAMD, Gromacs, etc.) and other computationally intensive applications in computational chemistry, geophysics, next generation sequencing and astronomy.

Parallel CPU Platform
The new SOSCIP Parallel-CPU platform is a homogeneous high-performance system attached to the SciNet supercomputer Niagara, which is designed to enable large parallel jobs in order to optimize throughput of a range of scientific codes running at scale, energy efficiency, and network and storage performance and capacity. Each compute node (based on Lenovo SD530 server) has 40 Intel Skylake/Cascade-Lake cores with 202GB (188 GiB) of RAM.

The platform is an ideal system for running parallel code that cannot obtain cost-efficient speedup through GPUs, such as Computational Fluid Dynamics codes (OpenFoam, Nek5000, etc) and Quantum Chemistry codes (VASP, CP2K, etc).

Apply now! SOSCIP supports collaborative R&D projects that involve academic and industry researchers working together to solve challenging problems using SOSCIP's compute platforms. Download our application template and apply for priority access on these new platforms by March 6, 2020.

For more information, please contact either Andrew Jones at andrew.jones@soscip.org or Amy Hackney at amy.hackney@soscip.org for advice and guidance in completing your application. We are happy to discuss and review all draft proposals ahead of the priority application deadline.

We look forward to seeing what you can do with these amazing new systems!

Best regards,


Tibor Turi, Ph.D. P.Eng.
Executive Director | SOSCIP

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