27 novembre 2020 | International, Technologies propres, Méga données et intelligence artificielle, Fabrication avancée 4.0, Systèmes autonomes (Drones / E-VTOL), Conception et essais virtuels, Fabrication additive

Blast, un programme soutenu par Starburst qui veut faire exploser les startups françaises du spatial

Blast, un programme soutenu par Starburst qui veut faire exploser les startups françaises du spatial

Plusieurs spécialistes de l'innovation se sont alliés pour créer Blast, le premier programme français d'accélération de jeunes pousses à fort contenu technologique dans les domaines de l'aéronautique, du spatial et de la défense afin de « faire émerger et d'accompagner une vingtaine de start-up par an ». Le programme réunit Starburst, premier accélérateur mondial dédié aux start-up de l'aéronautique, du spatial et de la défense (ASD), l'Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (Onera), l'École Polytechnique et la SATT Paris-Saclay, dont le but est de développer la mise en oeuvre des innovations issues de la recherche académique.

À l'origine du projet, qui sera formellement lancé en janvier, le constat du « manque d'un programme constitué en France dédié à l'accompagnement des projets deep tech (portant sur des technologies très avancées, NDLR) pour le secteur » de l'aéronautique, de la défense et du spatial, expliquent ses promoteurs dans un communiqué. Si les jeunes pousses dans ces domaines sont particulièrement actives aux États-Unis ou encore en Israël, le mouvement doit être « être renforcé en Europe et particulièrement en France », estiment-ils. D'autant que l'aéronautique, le spatial et la défense « portent par nature les caractéristiques du deep tech: de fortes barrières à l'entrée, un cycle de développement long et complexe et un caractère disruptif fort en cas de succès ».

Des levées de fonds d'amorçage prévues

Le programme doit permettre d'accompagner des projets correspondant aux besoins de l'industrie et de les pérenniser par des contrats commerciaux et des collaborations avec les industriels ou instituts publics. « L'idée, c'est de créer plus de start-up pour alimenter les futurs programmes aéronautiques, spatiaux et de défense », résume François Chopard, fondateur de Starburst, qui assurera la coordination du programme. Les domaines visés sont notamment ceux de l'aviation décarbonée, les plateformes de mobilité aérienne urbaines, l'intelligence artificielle, les technologies portant sur l'autonomie (capteurs, fusion de données), les services informatiques dématérialisés (cloud) sécurisés ou encore le spatial.

Des levées de fonds « d'amorçage de deux à trois millions d'euros » sont prévues. Blast est l'un des dix programmes sélectionnés par le gouvernement à l'issue d'un appel à projets d'accompagnement de start-up à fort contenu technologique dans le cadre du Programme d'investissements d'avenir (PIA) Doté d'un montant maximal global de 9,6 millions d'euros, le soutien public, via Bpifrance, permettra des subventions allant jusqu'à 50% du coût du projet pendant les deux premières années.


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    Additive Technologies For Future UK Air Power Advance

    Tony Osborne July 10, 2020 Bidders pushing for a role to build a technology demonstrator for the UK's Lightweight Affordable Novel Combat Aircraft (LANCA) are waiting to see if their design proposals will be approved for the next phase of the initiative. Three industry teams were selected last summer (AW&ST July 29-Aug. 18, 2019, p. 18) to take forward development of the LANCA air system, an unmanned air vehicle that could act as additive capability accompanying future combat aircraft into operations. LANCA would perform a range of tasks, including serving as a loyal wingman, gathering intelligence or acting as a weapons carrier. The Royal Air Force envisions a platform costing 1/10th of current combat aircraft and developed in one-fifth of the time. The idea is like that of the Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie for the U.S. Air Force's Skyborg program, Australia's Boeing-led Airpower Teaming System and remote carriers for the French, German and Spanish Future Combat Air System. Since then, the industry teams—which include Boeing Phantom Works International, working with Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group and Cranfield University; consortium Team Black Dawn, Callen-Lenz and Bombardier Belfast; and Northrop Grumman UK with Team Avenger, led by Blue Bear Systems Research and yet to be disclosed partners—submitted their proposals for the £4.8 million ($6 million) Phase 1. The LANCA program is being led by the UK Defense Science and Technology Laboratories in conjunction with the Royal Air Force's Rapid Capability Office. The UK Defense Ministry is evaluating proposals in readiness for the second phase of the project, called Mosquito, which is worth £30-50 million. Mosquito would see one, possibly two of the candidates being matured into a full-size flightworthy demonstrator potentially undertaking a flight-test program. Aviation Week has been told there was stiff competition for the LANCA program: Some 45 bidders entered Phase 1 and were subsequently scaled down to nine. Around eight bids were then tendered, of which three were chosen. Few details have emerged about the proposals, although Boeing Australia confirmed through social media that it had secured a “first-of-type permit” from the Australian government to share design material for its Airpower Teaming System with the UK, suggesting the Boeing proposal may borrow heavily from that platform. Progress is also occurring on a drone swarm system announced by former Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson in February 2019: Demonstrations in March using five unmanned air vehicles proved a collaborative capability between the platforms, people close to the program told Aviation Week. https://aviationweek.com/ad-week/additive-technologies-future-uk-air-power-advance

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  • NATO needs a strategy for emerging and disruptive technologies

    9 décembre 2020

    NATO needs a strategy for emerging and disruptive technologies

    By: Lauren Speranza and Nicholas Nelson The incoming Biden administration is expected to reassert ties with Europe, hoping to leverage America's allies and partners at NATO in the great power competition with China and Russia. As U.S. and European leaders set their collective agenda at the next NATO summit, a top priority should be establishing a NATO framework for emerging and disruptive technologies (EDT). For the United States, it is important that the alliance adapt together to defend against algorithms and bots, as much as bullets and bombs. Europe shares this mindset but differs from the United States on key defense tech issues, such as regulation, data, and stakes in national champion companies. To avoid the dangerous transatlantic rifts of the last four years, Brussels and Washington must bridge that gap and forge an alliance approach to EDT. NATO has acknowledged the need to harness the power of such technologies, but current efforts have produced innovation theater, as opposed to fundamental organizational change. NATO lags behind in critical areas such as 5G, hypersonics, artificial intelligence (AI), unmanned systems, and quantum science. In the past, NATO has used frameworks to get member states to agree on priorities, dedicate resources, and empower authorities to act. Looking to the next NATO summit, transatlantic leaders should champion an EDT framework built around four practical pillars: Establishing an organic assessment and coordination capacity at the strategic level. To fulfill its potential as the transatlantic coordinating tool on the security dimensions of EDT, the alliance needs an in-house capability to assess challenges driven by rapidly evolving technologies. It must examine the advantages and vulnerabilities of adversaries and competitors, as well as gaps in NATO's approach and capabilities. NATO must explore how EDT can be applied to tackle below-threshold threats, enhance defense planning, boost exercises, and support decision-making. Building on ongoing efforts, this should occur at the strategic level of the alliance, fusing civil and military perspectives and data to inform the development and introduction of cutting-edge EDT. It must also include a more robust mechanism for aligning capabilities and gaps across members, key partners, and the European Union. As defense budgets contract amidst the Covid-19 crisis, this approach will maximize return on investment and improve NATO's strategic edge. Seeding the market by improving engagement with industry. A strategic assessment function will not be valuable unless industry leaders are engaged and incentivized. NATO needs to connect to the private sector early and often, clearly communicating its priorities and requirements while providing accessible opportunities for industry, including non-traditionals, to readily sell into the alliance. Too often national and international defense organizations do not provide discernable paths to revenue for these companies, artificially limiting their industrial bases. The long lead times for these projects are often unattractive or unfeasible, especially for small companies and start-ups where radical innovation takes place. To remedy this, the alliance should look to the U.S. Department of Defense, which has succeeded in attracting startups and non-traditionals to its ecosystem through rapid awards, proof-of-concept contracts, and matching venture capital funds that start-ups receive. Enhancing standardization and interoperability by creating a system of systems. To meet the challenges of future warfare, the alliance must be able communicate and operate across militaries, capabilities, and domains. This requires more standardized, secure, and resilient platforms, systems, and infrastructure. NATO needs an EDT strategy for integration, not just innovation. Leading candidates for Biden's Pentagon team have emphasized this priority, supporting a CJADC2 concept – a “network of networks” to ensure reliable command and control. The alliance should leverage CJADC2 as a better framework for standardization and interoperability, paving the way for more complex joint operations. This requires a change in doctrine and a shift away from platforms to create a system of systems. Going forward, NATO needs this same approach to rapidly develop and deploy emerging defense and dual-use technologies for conventional and hybrid conflicts. This involves placing big, transformative bets on critical technologies, such as unmanned air and maritime systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and hypersonics. Coordinate with the EU. NATO should better leverage its ability to assign capability and spending targets to encourage its members to innovate. For instance, to complement the 2 percent of GDP defense spending benchmark, NATO could mandate that allies invest a certain portion of that into emerging technologies. It should also rework the 2 percent metric to include civilian investment in dual-use technologies that may fall outside of traditional defense budgets. Where NATO lacks the capacity to enforce these standards, the European Union brings the legislative and budgetary authority to promote them. NATO and the EU should coordinate research and development, provide seed funding toward these targets, and reinforce them with legal tools where possible. NATO and the EU should also initiate a strategic dialogue to address fundamental issues of tech governance and data sharing. The ability to employ emerging and disruptive technologies more effectively than competitors such as China and Russia will shape the global role of the United States and the transatlantic alliance in the coming decades. NATO has begun to talk the talk, but now it must walk the walk. https://www.defensenews.com/opinion/2020/12/08/nato-needs-a-strategy-for-emerging-and-disruptive-technologies/

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