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November 12, 2021 | Local, Big data and Artifical Intelligence

IDEaS announces more opportunities with the launch of its 3rd Innovation Networks call for proposals \\ Le programme IDEeS annonce plus d’opportunités avec le lancement de son 3e appel à propositions pour les résea

New Innovation Networks call: Faster, Stronger, More Secure: Advancing 5G capabilities and concepts for Defence and Security

In response to the rapid development and deployment of commercial 5G technologies, the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) are seeking to stimulate the application of advances in technologies for 5G and beyond to defence and security problems.

IDEaS' newest Innovation Networks challenge Faster, Stronger, More Secure: Advancing 5G capabilities and concepts for Defence and Security aims to develop research clusters (called Micro-nets) to leverage existing work on commercial applications to address DND/CAF needs with applications for:

  • Architectures for Defence and Security Operations;
  • Assured Performance and Security;
  • Applications and Sensors.

Since 2018, IDEaS funded 12 micro-networks through the 1st and 2nd Call for Proposals (Advanced Material and Autonomous Systems), investing more than $18 million in research and development under this element alone. Funding is through a non-repayable contribution, with up to $1.5 million available per Micro-net over a three year research period.

The deadline to submit a letter of intent to the 5G micro-network is December 7, 2021. To learn more about the application process, visit our website.

Webinar on Aerospace & Space Opportunities in Australia for Canadian innovators

The Ontario Aerospace Council is hosting a complimentary information session on Aerospace & Space which will detail opportunities available to Canadian innovators in Australia's aerospace and space sectors. The webinar is scheduled for November 15, 2021 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm EST. To learn more and to register, please visit:

The IDEaS Team

Plus rapide, plus fort, plus sécurisé : avancer les capacités et les concepts 5G pour la défense et la sécurité

En réponse au développement et au déploiement rapides des technologies 5G commerciales, le ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées canadiennes (MDN/FAC) cherchent à stimuler l'application des avancées technologiques pour la 5G et au-delà aux problèmes de défense et de sécurité.

Innovation Networks (1)Le plus récent défi des réseaux d'innovation Plus rapide, plus fort, plus sécurisé : avancer les capacités et les concepts 5G pour la défense et la sécurité vise à développer des groupes de recherche (appelées micro-réseaux) pour tirer parti des travaux existants sur les applications commerciales afin de répondre aux besoins du MDN/des FAC avec des applications pour :

• Architectures pour les opérations de défense et de sécurité ;

• Performance et sécurité assurées ;

• Applications et capteurs.

Depuis 2018, IDEeS a financé 12 micro-réseaux via les 1er et 2e appels de propositions (matériaux de pointe et systèmes autonomes), investissant plus de 18 millions de dollars en recherche et développement sur ce seul élément. Le financement est assuré par une contribution non remboursable, avec jusqu'à 1,5 million de dollars disponibles par micro-réseau sur une période de recherche de trois ans.

La date limite pour soumettre la lettre d'intention au défi d'innovation des micro-réseaux 5G est le 7 décembre 2021. Pour en savoir plus sur le processus de candidature, visitez notre site Web.

Webinaire sur les opportunités aérospatiales et spatiales en Australie pour les innovateurs canadiens

Le Conseil de l'aérospatiale de l'Ontario organise une séance d'information gratuite sur l'aérospatiale et l'espace qui détaillera les possibilités offertes aux innovateurs canadiens dans les secteurs de l'aérospatiale et de l'espace en Australie. Le webinaire est prévu pour le 15 novembre 2021 de 14 h 00 à 15 h 00 HNE. Pour en savoir plus et pour vous inscrire, veuillez visiter :

L'équipe IDEeS

On the same subject

  • HebdoSTIQ - 29 octobre 2020

    October 30, 2020

    HebdoSTIQ - 29 octobre 2020

    VOLUME 21, No 41 29 octobre 2020 Événements à venir Occasions d'affaires Actualités Le Symposium sur le marché canadien de la défense et de la sécurité au Québec a connu un franc succès! Programme Podium Transport 2020 – Bravo aux entreprises participantes! Le programme Podium Transport vise à accélérer la compétitivité des PME manufacturières québécoises qui évoluent dans les chaines d'approvisionnement du secteur du transport terrestre FLEXPIPE se réinvente et lance tinktube en pleine pandémie mondiale Découvrez tinktube L'effervescence de la chaîne bioalimentaire et agroalimentaire Dans sa nouvelle série Les Grandes entrevues, Amyot Gélinas, s.e.n.c.r.l. vous propose une entrevue réalisée avec Monsieur André Lamontagne, ministre de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation La croissance en période de pandémie Un article du Cercle gouvernance diversité prospérité Bienvenue aux nouveaux membres! STIQ est fière d'annoncer la récente adhésion d'AV&R, Dynamic Concept et Gentec à son réseau multisectoriel d'entreprises manufacturières Portrait membre : Technologie Hypertronic Partenaire de choix pour le développement de produits électriques/électroniques Creaform annonce Creaform Connect : Le salon des solutions de mesure 3D Le salon virtuel et la conférence vous donneront l'opportunité de découvrir les dernières innovations de Creaform au service des professionnels 35e anniversaire du Centre de métallurgie du Québec (CMQ) Lancement du 52e numéro du magazine Al13 Salon connexion 100 % virtuel Événements Les Affaires – Assistez au plus important événement au Québec entièrement dédié à la transformation numérique les 10, 11, 12 novembre prochain en ligne! Une croissance verte pour l'avenir du Canada Joignez-vous à ce webinaire organisé par EDC, le 5 novembre prochain de 13 h à 14 h Les entreprises peuvent tirer des enseignements de la propagation mondiale de la COVID-19 Un article de la Banque de développement Canada Les bonnes nouvelles de l'industrie Elmec, PolarMade, Nouveau Monde Graphite, Olin Corporation Occasions d'affaires Occasions d'affaires privées 2020SC045 – Recherche une presse plieuse de 16 pi. / 220-260 tonnes Produits métalliques 2020SC044 – Recherche de fournisseurs pour pièces moulées à partir de feuilles PTFE Médical et hospitalier Mise en forme de feuille de PTFE. L'entreprise a besoin d'expertise dans un projet de fabrication, afin d'obtenir la mise en forme d'une composante PTFE. 2020SC045 – Recherche une presse plieuse de 16 pouces / 220-260 tonnes. Produits métalliques Occasions d'affaires Appels d'offres publics 2020TT123 – Acquisition d'une caisse d'utilité d'aluminium avec grue et tarière hydraulique, installation incluse Transport (fabrication de matériel de), sauf aérospatiale 2020TT124 – Achat d'un centre d'usinage à contrôle numérique Entreprises et établissement de services 2020TT125 – Fourniture de fûts et de potences en aluminium – éclairage public Matériel et appareils électriques 2020TT126 – Fourniture de luminaires de rues Matériel et appareils électriques 2020TT127 – Remplacement des murs rideaux Construction 2020NR367 – Fourniture de matières premières métalliques pour une période d'un an Transport (fabrication de matériel de), sauf aérospatiale 2020NR368 – Pièces de fonderie pour équipements municipaux Environnement 2020TT122 – Acquisition de pièces pour modifier un camion de déneigement, installation comprise Transport (fabrication de matériel de), sauf aérospatiale 2020NR359 – Fourniture et installation de panneau électrique, pour sous-station d'usine de filtration Environnement 2020NR358 – Aménagement d'1 fourgonnette avec monte-charge et d'1 mini-fourgonnette Transport (fabrication de matériel de), sauf aérospatiale 2020NR357 – Entretien préventif, correctif ou d'urgence d'appareils de levage Énergie (production et distribution) 2020NR356 – Entretien correctif et préventif de vérins hydrauliques Énergie (production et distribution)

  • MRO Opportunities Emerge For Remote Video

    May 5, 2020

    MRO Opportunities Emerge For Remote Video

    Sean Broderick Lindsay Bjerregaard May 01, 2020 MRO shops are confident that remote technology can be used on everything from article inspections to facility audits. It is tempting to think that aviation will derive nothing positive from the novel coronavirus pandemic. While parked aircraft, smaller operators, and a generally downsized industry are clear negatives, some changes forced by the spread of COVID-19 will benefit the industry long after the viral menace is gone. In the regulatory compliance area, expansion of remote technology may end up being the most positive development. Using technology such as cameras was never prohibited, but its use was not readily embraced by certificate holders. In March 2020, the U.S. FAA's Aircraft Certification Service, backed by several years of industry input, fast-tracked guidance on technology such as cameras and video conferencing for a range of required tasks, including conformity inspections as well as engineering and ground tests. On April 20, the FAA's Flight Standards unit followed up with its own inspector guidance, providing a framework—but, importantly, not prescriptive limitations—that expands technology's use deeper into the MRO world. The guidance provides general considerations of which inspectors should be mindful when video and communication technology (VCT) is proposed to help accomplish tasks. Among them: Video quality must be sufficient for the task and must provide some method of validating that whatever is being recorded or broadcast is happening where and when it is supposed to—think time stamps, for example. The order does not exclude any specific technologies or products from eligibility, saying only that the tools must be able to “accomplish the task.” The only exception is a general one: FAA personnel must use government-issued devices for any tasks they perform. An example: Watching a video shot by a certificate holder on a government-issued laptop or smart phone. VCT may “enhance processes and procedures” or may serve as an “alternative” to a given task, the FAA guidance says. The technology also can be used live. For example, picture an inspector watching a video feed of an inspection and directing the camera holder on what should be shown. Industry stakeholders are confident that the new guidance, combined with the realities of the pandemic-related social distancing, will prompt rapid adoption of VCT. Certificate holders can use devices as simple as a smart phone to record evidence of accomplishing tasks that the agency can then validate. Airframe services specialist MRO Holdings is among the aftermarket providers embracing the new technology. The company was in the midst of a major facility expansion when the pandemic hit. A required FAA facility inspection was due, but getting an inspector out during the pandemic was a nonstarter. Instead, the inspector was brought in virtually, using a video-conferencing service. In addition to serving as the FAA inspector's “eyes and ears,” the link allowed for digital photos to be taken and electronic documents to be delivered, says Gregg Brown, MRO Holdings vice president of compliance and technical solutions. The inspection took 3 hr., and the facility was approved for use right away. The company has loftier aspirations for VCT. It uses remote links to connect a newly centralized planning, engineering and supply chain operations center with its multiple airframe facilities. The setup means the company can put a team of experts in each MRO shop without their having to physically be there, Brown says. A similar approach could eventually be used to help customers keep tabs on aircraft in MRO Holdings' facilities with fewer airline technical representatives on-site. “I think [we will be] in a rapidly evolving landscape for the foreseeable future,” Brown says. “This crisis is going to spur some really innovative thinking, and I'm really excited as a technology geek to watch this happen.”

  • Investments of $29 million: Scale AI advances the transition to AI with five new projects

    July 22, 2020

    Investments of $29 million: Scale AI advances the transition to AI with five new projects

    Montreal, Quebec - July 21, 2020 After more than $120 million invested during its first year, Scale AI continues its work in leveraging AI (artificial intelligence), and announces investments of an additional $29 million in five new projects, including the participating companies' contributions. This represents more than $9 million directly committed by Scale AI to supporting the implementation of AI, through the collaboration of established Canadian companies. Each example illustrates how AI can bring productivity gains and growth in all sectors, from forecasting demand to reducing waste or improving productivity, including deployment of an intelligent supply chain in minerals and metals, a project that stands out from Optel Group, with a total investment of $16.6 million. The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Canadian Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, stated, “Innovative new Scale AI projects are bringing together partners across industries ranging from metallurgy to retail, including twenty small and medium-sized enterprises. The new partnerships are a testament to the supercluster's convening power. These collaborations are sustaining Scale AI's momentum, driving innovation and contributing to Canada's leadership and growth in the emerging field of artificial intelligence.” “These collaborations are sustaining Scale AI's momentum, driving innovation and contributing to Canada's leadership and growth in the emerging field of artificial intelligence.” — The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Canadian Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Highlighting the initiative and leadership of Quebec companies, Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy and Innovation of Quebec, said, “Artificial intelligence will fundamentally transform industrial processes and the global economy in the coming years. The related technologies can be applied in a multitude of fields and will have major repercussions. Fostering growth means enabling companies to take advantage of new technologies and become more competitive in foreign markets.” The Quebec government has provided financial assistance totaling $83.4 million to support the activities of Scale AI until 2023. Julien Billot, CEO of Scale AI, noted, “Things are moving fast. Now we see the first concrete results and how the success of the early adopters has inspired new projects on an increasingly large scale. Our team is enthusiastic about the diversity of the projects in which we have invested—big and small, and coming from all sectors. The five projects announced today, representing total investments of $29 million, illustrate this trend and the accelerated pace of growth we are experiencing in all our programs.” “Artificial intelligence will fundamentally transform industrial processes and the global economy in the coming years.” — Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy and Innovation of Quebec Hélène Desmarais, Co-Chair of the Scale AI Board of Directors, added, “Scale AI's mission is to create the conditions for a sustainable AI ecosystem in Canada. We are very happy with the results. With more than $120 million in investments announced since the launch of our co-investment programs, we see that the leveraged effects are even greater than anticipated, as companies commit beyond our expectations.” Five projects representing investments of $29 Million With artificial intelligence still in its early stages of development, the projects supported by Scale AI show the added value of collaborative partnerships in developing practical and relevant solutions. Altogether, over 30 key partners have taken part in the rollout of these projects, including the participating companies, consultancies, research centres and business partners (customers and suppliers). Here is an overview of the supported projects: Smart supply chain for the minerals and metals sector Partners: Groupe Optel, Aluminium Association of Canada, Laserax, Lithion Recycling, Université Laval, SmartyfAI See more Port Logistics Optimization Tool Partners: Montreal Port Authority, Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership, Canscan, EI Systems, Termont See more Demand forecasting and real-time monitoring in retail businesses Partners: FIND A.I, Pr Chi-Guhn Lee, Pacific West Commercial Corporation, Boathouse Apparel, Cook Culture Ltd, Bella Group, Plenty Apparel, Purdy's See more An AI-based prediction platform for driving supply chain efficiencies Partners: Fleet Complete, Pitstop, Sensata, NPL Canada, Superior Propane See more Intelligent forecasting for a more reliable supply chain Partners: Distribution Pharmaplus, Groupe Horizon Santé, Pharmacie SM, CS et AP Inc, Sodan Conseillers TI, Thales Digital Solutions See more See press release

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