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August 14, 2020 | Local, Big data and Artifical Intelligence

OVA : AFWerx Fusion

OVA : AFWerx Fusion

Recently selected among the finalists for the challenge of "Leveraging Operational Effectiveness Through Technology", OVA presented their new augmented reality solution which allows operators to have more information at their fingertips, but also to improve the detection and anchoring capacity of the Microsoft Hololens 2.

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Building on recent work scientifically demonstrating the effectiveness of such an approach, we have adopted interdisciplinary human factors and cognitive engineering methods to design and test our innovative solution based on augmented reality (AR). Changes in cognitive load have predictable effects upon physiological measures and provide an objective and non‐obtrusive index of the load imposed upon distinct brain systems with specific functions, while state-of-the-eye metrics (e.g., pupil dilation, and blink rate and duration) can indicate workload and fatigue level. Enhancing the Hololens' tracking and identification capability with artificial intelligence has fixed major flaws in the hardware's adoption by main OEMs.

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