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October 1, 2021 | Local, Clean technologies, Big data and Artifical Intelligence, Advanced manufacturing 4.0, Autonomous systems (Drones / E-VTOL), Virtual design and testing, Additive manufacturing

Les prix Gilles-Demers: déposez votre candidature pour la catégorie Startup!

Vous avez été particulièrement nombreux à déposer votre candidature pour les Prix Gilles-Demers et nous tenons à vous remercier !

Pour cette édition spéciale, Aéro Montréal ouvre une mise en candidature supplémentaire et présente une catégorie inédite qui récompensera une startup dont l'apport technologique représente une véritable innovation pour le secteur aérospatial québécois.

Les entreprises intéressées sont invitées à compléter le formulaire de candidature Google Forms avant le 17 octobre 2021.

Vous souhaitez en apprendre davantage sur cette catégorie ?

Consultez dès maintenant notre site web pour en savoir plus sur les critères de qualification ou communiquez avec Pauline Breyton, Gestionnaire de projets - Innovation, Compétitivité et Productivité
( ; 514-987-9333).


On the same subject

  • StartAéro 360 | Brève de l'actualité du 19 juillet

    July 23, 2021

    StartAéro 360 | Brève de l'actualité du 19 juillet

    Industrie Aérospatiale Canada Gouvernement Fédéral et Provincial (15 juillet) Ottawa va verser jusqu'à 440 millions et Québec ajoutera 243 millions $ pour l'innovation des OEM de l'aéronautique à Montréal. Les investissements permettront le maintien de 12 000 emplois. Un des projets soutenus est celui de Pratt & Whitney qui veut développer un moteur hybride. Bell Textron et CAE développeront aussi leurs propres initiatives. HAECO and Diehl Aviation (15 juillet) HAECO's cabin solutions unit has signed a strategic commercial agreement with Diehl Aviation. It will focus on a “wide range” of cabin interior projects, with both parties working as an integrated supplier. Components and services included are sidewalls, stowages, lighting, galleys, lavatories, seating, reconfiguration engineering, certification, and installation. United Engines – Russia (15 juillet) Russia's United Engines is to develop a new turboprop engine for a 40- to 50-seat regional aircraft programme, the TVRS-44. This aircraft is under development by Ural aviation plant UZGA and is based on the Czech Aircraft Industries Let L-610. The engine will be based on the Klimov TV7-117ST-01 which is undergoing certification for the Ilyushin Il-114-300. Tekna Holding AS (14 juillet) Tekna Holding AS, Sherbrooke, has signed a ten-year master supply agreement with a Tier 1 company in the aviation, defence and space industry. The agreement will reportedly make Tekna the primary supplier of Additive Manufacturing powder for the customer and its related supply chain for materials including aluminium and titanium alloys. BAE Systems /Safran (13 juillet) FADEC Alliance, a joint venture of BAE Systems and Safran, recently delivered its 10,000th LEAP electronic engine controller (EEC) for the CFM International LEAP engine family. The LEAP EEC is part of the LEAP's full authority digital engine control (FADEC) system. Potez Aéronautique (13 juillet) Potez Aéronautique fabriquera les becs de voilure du Dassault Falcon 10X. L'entreprise (450 salariés), produit des éléments de fuselage et les portes passagers du Falcon 6X. Elle vise +15% de croissance dès 2021. Pratt & Whitney (13 juillet) Pratt & Whitney has announced the opening of a new ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) engineering & development facility in Carlsbad, California. It is an integrated engineering, development and low-rate production facility dedicated to CMCs for aerospace applications. Pratt & Whitney GTF (PW1000G) 13 juillet P&W has booked more than 800 orders and commitments for GTF engines since the beginning of 2021. Customers that have selected GTF-powered aircraft (A320neo, A220 and Embraer E2) include Frontier Airlines, Volaris, Air France, Delta Air Lines, and, most recently, AerCap. Boeing B787 (13 juillet) Boeing has announced a significant but unspecified slowdown in the B787 production rate from five per month to address a manufacturing issue concerning the forward pressure bulkhead. It has significantly reduced the number of B787s that it expects to deliver in 2021, forecasting delivery of half of the roughly 100 787s in inventory. Boeing orders, cancellations and deliveries (13 juillet) 3 In June, Boeing received 219 orders; 200 737 MAX by United Airlines and a FedEx order for 18 B767F and one 777F. The 73 cancellations included Flydubai (65 737 MAX), BOC Aviation (five 737 MAX), one 737 MAX BBJ and two 737-700-based “Wedgetail” AEW aircraft. Boeing delivered 45 aircraft in June (two P-8, 33 737 MAX, one 787-9, two KC-46 tankers, two 767F, four 777F and one 777-200LR). Boeing (12 juillet) BBAM Limited Partnership (BBAM) has placed a firm order for twelve 737 Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF), bringing its total orders and commitments for the model to 31. The increasingly active e-commerce and express cargo markets continue to drive strong demand for freighters. BBAM will become the first customer to have a 737-800BCF converted at Cooperativa Autogestionaria de Servicios Aeroindustriales (COOPESA), a Costa Rica MRO provider. In May, Boeing announced it would open two conversion lines at COOPESA in 2022. Safran (12 juillet) The Safran Helicopter Engines Arrano 1A has been granted FAA type certification to power the Airbus H160 helicopter. European type certification occurred in 2019. Drones- Advanced Air Mobility Volocopter(12 juillet) Volocopter has announced receipt of Production Organization Approval (POA) from EASA. The approval allows the company to begin production of its eVTOL aircraft for public deliveries. AeroVironment Inc. (10 juillet) Intelligent, multi-domain robotic systems manufacturer AeroVironment has introduced Crysalis, a next-generation integrated hardware and software-based ground control system (GCS). It provides command and control of compatible AeroVironment UAS and their payloads. Spatial UK Space Agency (15 juillet) UK companies and research organisations can bid for funding to develop technologies or data processing capabilities to reduce the risks of collisions in space. The initiative, jointly funded by the UK Space Agency's National Space Technology (NSTP) and Space, Surveillance and Tracking (SST) programmes will enable UK companies to mature technologies and early phase concepts. CNES (12 juillet) Le CNES a présenté son incubateur « SpaceFounders », en collaboration avec l'université de la Bundeswehr de Munich. Le but est de faire émerger des champions européens du spatial via cet accélérateur franco-allemand fondé entre Munich et Toulouse. Toutes les branches du spatial sont représentées : surveillance, tourisme, services en orbite, exploitation de données, propulsion. SpaceFounders a sélectionné dix sociétés en 2021. Northrop Grumman (9 juillet) Northrop Grumman has been awarded a $935 million contract by NASA to build and deploy the first lunar Gateway habitation module. The Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) module will include living quarters and a command post. Chine (9 juillet) La Chine a lancé 5 satellites « Ningxia-1 », gr'ce à un lanceur Longue Marche 6, depuis le centre de lancement satellitaire de Taiyuan, dans la province du Shanxi, 5 satellites identiques avaient été lancé en 2019. Ces satellites ont été réalisés par une filiale du groupe CAST, DFH Satellite Co. Innovation SAF+ Consortium (15 juillet) Airbus and the SAF+ Consortium have signed an MoU to collaborate with Canadian industry on sustainable aviation fuel development and production in North America. Airbus will be investing through “in-kind” contributions such as technical and certification expertise, economic analysis, communications, and advocacy. Swedish hydrogen-combustion engine project (14 juillet) A SKr24 million ($2.8 million) Swedish collaborative research project led by GKN Aerospace named H2JET will explore turbofans and turboprops for single-aisle aircraft that use direct combustion of hydrogen. It will develop technical solutions for three powerplant subsystems. H2JET complements the H2GEAR project, which is focused on liquid-hydrogen propulsion for smaller aircraft using fuel cells and contributors include The Swedish Energy Agency and Swedish research institutions are also participating.

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    December 17, 2021

    Happy Holidays !

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